Monday, November 11, 2013

KGBA Election Results

We are happy to announce that we had excellent voter participation in our recent election, resulting in a record number of returned ballots. Thank you all for your participation... your vote does count, and your voice (or lack thereof) makes this association what it is!

Voting results for KGBA board positions are as follows:

President - Sue Beck

Vice President - Lisa Lamm

Secretary - Jean Jajan

Treasurer - Lisa Naumann

Member at Large - Carla Durham

Member at Large - Lisa LaRose

Member at Large - Janet Rekow

Congratulations to all board members on their election, and a warm welcome to our new board member, Janet Rekow! We look forward to working with her in the years to come.

The ballot sent out this fall also included two proposed changes to our by-laws. All voting members were in favor of Proposition I, and and overwhelming majority were in favor of Proposition II. Therefor, as of January 1st, 2014, the by-laws will be amended accordingly to read:

Article XI - Fiscal Year - "The fiscal year and the operational year of the Association shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31 or the same year."

Article IX 0 Nominations and Elections - Section 1: Time and Elections - "The regular elections of Directors of the Association shall be held in the month of September of each calendar year and all Directors then elected shall serve the term for which they are respectively elected or until their successors are elected and qualified. Director nominees much be in good standing by March 1 of the election year. Board Members-at-Large shall serve for a term of three years, except when chosen by the Board of Directors to fill a vacancy by death or resignation, in which case they shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term."

Thank you all again for your support and participation as we look forward to a great new year with the KGBA!

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