Hello Everyone!
A request was recently made for more information on KGBA membership numbers.
The Kinder Goat Breeders Association originally offered 50 Charter memberships, which was later increased by 50 to a total of 100 Charter members. When ballots were sent out in the fall of 2013, we had 46 chart members still receiving ballots. Each Charter member received 2 ballots, as do Family members. Because of this – there can be a large discrepancy between the number of ballots that are sent out and our actual membership count. For example, in the fall of 2013, we had a total of 117 members (49 adult, 46 charter, 22 family), but sent out 253 ballots. Due to a decline in the number of Charter members*, the number of members that receive 2 ballots has decreased over time, while our actual membership numbers have increased. Also note that Youth members are not counted in these numbers – these numbers are based on voting membership only.
This year (fall of 2020), we have a total of 203 members, including 129 adults, 11 charter and 63 family memberships.
277 ballots were sent out.
We have seen relatively steady growth over the years, with our actual annual paid membership (not including charter or youth) growing from 71 in 2013 to 192 in 2020.
Fall 2013 – 117
Fall 2014 - 127
Fall 2015 – 128
Fall 2016 – 205 (this number is based on newsletters and therefor includes youth membership, so is higher than actual voting membership. I am including it here because it has been posted in the past, and using a different number here would likely lead to confusion. Please note that all other numbers are based on voting membership only.)
Fall 2017 – 187
Fall 2019 – 191
Fall 2020 – 203
*Due to deaths and requests by members to be removed from the list, we are now down to 11 Charter members.
Thank you for answering this question. Seeing the process helps explain why it was so difficult to just give a number.