Monday, July 23, 2012

KGBA Board Nominations

Hello, KGBA members! 
Although it seems like ages until the new year arrives, the time is sure to fly by. 
For KGBA members, the end of the year means choosing board members to represent us in the year to come. This year, we will be voting on the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Member at Large positions. The nominating committee is now asking anyone interested in running or nominating someone for a board position to contact us as soon as possible to discuss position requirements and be put on the ballot for the upcoming year. Questions, comments and nominations can be sent to Please contact us by July 29th if interested, as ballots need to go out soon! 

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Inbreeding, line breeding, out crossing

When you plan your breeding's, you will want to inbreed (the breeding together of close relatives such as sire/dam, son/daughter, brother/sister) only with great caution. Both good traits and bad can be exaggerated greatly.

Careful line breeding (the breeding together of more distant relatives) can be used to enhance and stabilize your best characteristics while helping you predict outcomes.

Out crossing (the breeding of two unrelated animals) will widen your gene pool-giving you more to work with, but continuous out crossing will just keep ;you guessing as to what results to expect.

Please pay very close attention to the third paragraph on out crossing because I believe this is one of the reason we are losing our dual purpose animal. You may buy a doe or buck that is both milk and meat but when you bring them home and breed to an unrelated mate this is where you begin to lose that dual purpose characteristic so much of the time. Buying good genetics to improve your herd is fine but if you continue to out cross you will soon lose those genetics. You have in a way just thrown you money away on that purchase.

Kinder® is Trademarked

Kinder® is Trademarked. Are you showing this in the titles of your photo's, web site, business cards and etc. If you are a member of the Kinder Goat Breeders Association then you should be doing this. People then know that the goats that you are breeding and selling are Kinder goats and can be registered with the KGBA.