Thursday, October 23, 2014

We Need Photos!

The newsletter committee is working on the next newsletter, and would like to feature a few candid photos of our member's goats to share and be appreciated. Photos that are not used may be featured in the Kinder® Communique as well. Please submit your candid photos to

We also need photos for the upcoming KGBA calendar! Lisa LaRose is hard at work creating another beautiful calendar for 2015, and is still looking for Kinder goat photos to include. The calendar will be available in December, but must be preordered. To submit your photos or preorder a calendar, please email Lisa at

*** Please be sure to submit your name, your subject's name and farm information so we can give you credit.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

We Asked For It...

Well, we asked and you responded!!!

It is with a great deal of excitement that we announce our new Newsletter and Website Committees.

Paul Jones, Carla Durham and Kelsee Gibbs have volunteered to join our Website Committee. They will be working with the president to update and maintain our website and all associated media. They bring with them some great ideas and expertise, so please stay tuned for exciting changes to our website and the Communique!

Kathrin Bateman, Kim Evans, Simone Smith, Elizabeth Sweet, Chris Tuhy and Kay Spencer have volunteered for our newly created Newsletter Committee. Moving forward, they will be designing and distributing the KGBA newsletter. We have lacked the help needed to put out a newsletter this year, so this is especially good 'news!'

Contact info for committee members will be listed on the website shortly. We welcome the donation of ideas, articles, artwork, newsletters and photos to be used in future newsletters and online publications, so please don't hesitate to contact any of our new committee members with comments and ideas. These members are volunteering their time, knowledge and experience to make the KGBA great, and for that we thank you!!!