Well, we're not goat busters, but we are here to help!
KGBA Board Members are happy to assist you in any way that we can, but knowing who to contact isn't always clear. If in doubt, you can always send a mass email to all board members or contact me directly. Contact information for board members can be found on the KGBA website at http://kindergoatbreeders.com/boardmembers.html.
Below is a list of who to contact for common questions or issues:
Registrations & Membership:
Ashley Kennedy or Sue Beck
Registration Document Issues:
Jan Hodges
Breeders List:
Lisa LaRose
Promotional Material:
Brenda Lee Shelt
Online Pedigrees:
Jan Hodges & Sue Beck
Kathrin Bateman, Elizabeth Sweet, Simone Smith
Show Information:
Ashley Kennedy
Chevon Information:
Jean Jajan
Website, general issues or to volunteer:
Sue Beck
We are continuously trying to improve, so feedback and suggestions are always appreciated!