Wednesday, July 26, 2017

It's Show Time!

The Missouri State Fair has one of the few shows currently sanctioned by the Kinder Goat Breeders Association. It took years of hard work and dedication to make this show a reality, and it has become the longest running annual Kinder show in the world. Unfortunately, we now risk losing this show for lack of participation. 

If you have the time and ability, we ask that you consider attending this year's show with your Kinder goats. Shows are a wonderful way to meet other breeders, market your goats and make great memories. This year the KGBA is also offering some exciting new incentives - premiums of $100 to Grand Champion and $50 to Reserve Grand Champion winners at all sanctioned Kinder shows. 
At this point, entries for all classes will be considered late and incur an additional late fee, but in order to encourage more entries the KGBA is also offering to reimburse breeders for any late entry fees, and assist our members in any other ways that we can. Have a question or concern? Please don't hesitate to contact Leah Rennick, Lisa LaRose or myself. 

Late entries will only be accepted until the end of this month, so please register quickly if you would like to help us make this show a success. 

Below are links to the show bill and entry forms for the MO State Fair. The show will take place on Saturday, August 19th and Sunday, August 20th. Goats must be at the fair grounds on Friday evening. 

Thank you and good luck!
Sue Beck
KGBA President