Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Join the Board of Directors!

Calling All Members!!!

Have you ever considered running for a position on the KGBA board? If so, now is the time!

The KGBA nominating committee is currently accepting volunteers and recommendations for the annual election.  Any person holding an individual membership effective as of March 1st is eligible to be a candidate or recommend another for a position.

Thinking about running? Please consider your decision carefully - becoming a board member is a wonderful way to help our Association grow and improve and we want all the help we can get, but it takes time and commitment to make things happen! Directors serve without compensation. The elected term is 1-3 years, with directors spending an average of 5-10 hours a month managing the affairs of the association.

Board members attend monthly board meetings via conference call, take part in various committees and work to promote the Kinder goat in accordance to our bylaws. Specific descriptions of each position can be found in the “bylaws” section of our website at

If you would like to volunteer or nominate someone else for a position, please contact us via email at prior to September 1st. Please consider submitting a half-page bio (to be included with ballots) when you express your interest in becoming a candidate. 

We look forward to hearing from you!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

One Day Milk Test at the Missouri State Fair!

We will be having a One Day Milk Test at the Missouri State Fair Kinder Goat Show this year. 

All goats that are participating in the test will be milked out under supervision on Friday evening August 16th at 8:00pm. That will start the test. The first sample will be weighed at 8:00am on Saturday morning after the show and the final sample will be weighed on Saturday evening August 17th at 8:00pm. Please make sure your goats have legible tattoos as these need to be verified for the test. Weight results will be available after the final milk out with lab results for protein and butterfat to follow after lab analysis. This is a great opportunity for feedback on your milk components with a chance for your doe to earn a star. Please consider joining us! 

-Stefanie Idzikowski, Test Supervisor

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


The following letters are recommended by the KGBA to designate the year of birthEach animal should have a unique tattoo.  Next to the letter is the number assigned to each goat based on its birth order that year. For example, the first kid born in 2010 was A01, or A1, the second kid was A02 or A2 and so on. This number/letter combination is placed in the left year, and the breeder's designated letters in the right.
Tattoo letters:

2030- Z

G, I, O, Q and U are not used.