Finally March is here which surely means spring isn't too far behind. I have had enough snow,ice, slush, and mud...Bring on the flowers and green grass and leaves. My name is Leah Rennick, I live in Hallsville, Missouri which is just 10 miles north of Columbia and I raise Kinder goats. The big gray wether I am scratching in the picture is Zack, he is my packgoat and a real sweetheart. And really "My" packgoat because he doesn't listen to the rest of my family too good.

This is my husband, Craig. He was raised a city boy which I have transplanted to the country. I bought our first Kinder goats while he was deployed to Iraq in 2005. Craig is a Staff Sargeant in the National Guard reserve and we are getting ready for his second deployment to Iraq. He will be leaving in April so we are rushing this month to raise a hay shelter before he goes. My oldest son, Tyler, is 14 and you can see him here lending a foot.
Tyler, is in 4-H, and has started his own Kinder herd. He bought his first doe, Bramble Patch Kinders Ebony's Reflection, from Sue Huston. "Ebby" is a beautiful black doe and her first year had twin black bucklings. Tyler decided he wanted a second doe to increase his herd and he wanted a light colored doe for variety. Last year we looked and finally found a doe, Still Meadow Flower Blossom. However, they would only sell her if we took her twin sister also. Her sister was beautiful, so I bought her, then found out she was pregnant. I bought one of her babies also to keep as a second packgoat. So, Tyler's goat cost me two additional goats. We bred Ebby was to our buck, Tickleweed Hill Farm Treat and they produced two beautiful does this past January, one Tyler is keeping and the other I am keeping. Below is Tyler pictured with the doeling he is keeping. Please notice the very light creamy white color.

This is Justin, my 10 year old son. He is in my 4-H Working Goat project. He has a Kinder wether which he is training to be a packgoat. He is also thinking about buying a Kinder doe to start raising his own Kinders.
I raise Kinders and sell them for breeding stock, companions, and market. I use the milk for home use, but mostly I make cold process goat milk soap and goat milk lotion. I sell the soap and lotion both retail off the farm and whole sale through a small flower and gift shop locally. I have made some cheese, but really love making the soap and lotion.

I am looking forward to being the March blogger and sharing my love of the Kinder goat and how I spend time with my goats with you. For now, it's time to call it a day and get some sleep...
Hi Leah! I love the pictures! This is a great post, I hope you enjoy doing it. That big wether looks huge to me.
ReplyDeleteHi Leah! Nice to meet you. I look forward to learning more about you, your family, and your Kinders!
ReplyDeleteI love this blog entry Leah!!! Thank you for sharing your farm and family with us!
ReplyDeleteHi Leah, I'm using this to try to figure out how to post a comment on your most recent post, where there are no comments, sorry. I love your posts, and look forward to them, but haven't been able to post a comment unless there is already one there.
ReplyDeleteLeah, I have enjoyed all your posts and pictures. Thank You!