Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Almost done?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
with a sweet daughter that will love and care for them. We always try to make sure the people that buy our goats are completely prepared so I made sure their daughter had everything she needed to care for the goaties. :-) I think they are going to enjoy their new home very much!
We are still trying to sell five of our Kinders (two bucks and three does). I haven't found a home yet but I am sure some one has got to want a cute loveable Kinder! ;-)
(A sweet friend with her new goaties!)
I hope you all have a blessed day!
Until the whole world hears,
Beth Joy Wood
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Letting our goats graze
We like to let our goats, sheep and other animals graze freely every day.
Here are some important things to check for before, during and after your animals are grazing.
- Check pasture for poisonous plants. http://goat-link.com/component/option,com_wrapper/Itemid,51/ We leave baking soda in their pens and pastures along with their minerals just in case they eat something bad for them. Normally the baking soda will fix the problem.
- Make sure the waters don't have holes and are clean and full. They will not drink the water if it is dirty or has a dead mouse.
- Check your goats. Make sure they are not limping, standing alone, or not eating. It is important to know your goats and know what they are normally acting like so when they start to get sick you can fix the problem quickly.
Knowing the basic first aid for your goats is also helpful. I worked with our vet and bought some books about goat first aid and it has helped us a lot! :-)
Here is a link to a website that talks a little bit about it. http://www.napga.org/downloads/firstaid.pdf
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Until the whole world hears,
Beth Joy Wood
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Gardening with the goats
Monday, April 19, 2010
Feed mix
We have a mineral mix available at all times for the goats as well as a tray of Kelp.
Our does are getting the same "new momma" herbal mixture and red raspberry leaves that I mentioned last week. They also get their cereal mix which consists of the following:
100lbs oats
100lbs wheat bran
100lbs corn
100lbs shredded beet pulp
100lbs barley
100lbs of sunflowers
100lbs 40%protein
30lbs of molasses
Soy oil or linseed oil
Protein: 14.58
Fat: 2.15
Fiber: 5.10
Thursday, April 15, 2010
~Vinigar Of The Four Thieves~
After the 2 weeks is over, drain off all the herbs. Chop 2 Tbs. into the liqiud and put in a pot and steep for 3 days. Do NOT boil. If you cook it to fast it will make your house stink.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Feed Your Goats Naturally- Momma Mixture

I thought I would share with you this week how we feed our goats. We like to feed them with natural foods.
We dry a lot of our own fruits, herbs and veggies. I just love to go out to the garden and pick fresh food and the prepare it for our animals or save it for a later date.
My momma made our own grain recipe and a "Momma mixture" that we give to the goats after they have kidded.
This is the Momma Mixture recipe that we came up with.
Momma Mixture
One part Chamomile flowers
One part Tyme
One part Peppermint
Two part Red Raspberry leaves
You just take each of these ingredients, dry, and mix them together in a coffee can, cocoa can or a glass jar. We normally mix it in a hot cocoa can because then we can put it out in the barn and we don't have to worry about a glass jar braking or anything like that. You can mix this with their grain or feed it to them plain. We give them 1Tbs morning and night (two Tbs daily) for about two weeks before they kid and two weeks after the kid.
If any of you try this out please let me know how it worked for you! :-)
Until the whole world hears,
Beth Joy Wood
Our Herb Cabinet
Last year we gathered nettles, dried them and then fed to our goats. Nettles help the doe produce more milk.

This is a photo of one of our bucks last year, Cookie.

Monday, April 12, 2010
Bottle feeding kids
Hello again everybody!
I so enjoy bottle feeding our Kinder kids!
We once had one kid that was raised on her mother. She is now a sweetie but then she was a little wild.
She would get all the goats worked up and running around the pen just because she felt like it, she would never let us touch her and didn't even come when we had a bottle.
I remind myself of having to go through training her when I had to stay up most of the night to feed the kids. I enjoy feeding our kids much more now that they sleep through the night and drink less milk.
If you havn't bottle fed your kids before here are some basic tips.
- Hold the baby the first few time you try to bottle feed. This way the baby can't move around when you and the baby are first trying this.
- Hold the kid's neck up and as straight as possible.
- Make sure the milk is not all dripping out of its mouth or it won't get good nutrition.
And have LOTS of fun!!! :-)
I hope you have a blessed evening.
Until the whole world hears,
Beth Joy Wood
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Fun with the kids
The other day I walked outside and was greeted by a bunch of playful kids. They enjoy jumping on my back while I am out in the garden or when I bend down to pick something up.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Building pens
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Meet the kids!
These are our Kids for the Spring 2010 year. They are lots of fun and work of course. We bottle feed all of them.
Reeses had her three lovely kids first. Kit Kat was next to kid. She had two sweet doelings. After Kit kat, Taffy kidded. Taffy had two beautiful bucklings. Last but not least is Della. Della had one darling doeling!
I hope you all enjoy the pictures!
For the love of goats,
Miss Beth Joy Wood
Friday, April 2, 2010
First to kid!
Every year I wait somewhat impatiently for our Kinders to kid. =)
This year our first goat to kid was Reeses. She had two sweet little bucklings and one lovely doeling.
The first born from Reeses was a beautiful tan buckling with black, white, brown and even a little bit of red in his coat! He was born backwards but Reeses had him before I could help her. He is quite a lively little fellow. He just loves to jump off the walls in his pen! :-) His name is Patches. He has already found his new home and will be going there in a few months.
The second was a lovely black little girl with white frosted ears and muzzle. This little girl was just a sweetie pie! She loved getting all the attention and is now getting lots of it in her new home. =)
The third was a surprise to us all! We all went in the house about 40 minutes after Reeses had her second kid thinking she was done. Elisha went outside 2 hours later and found a beautiful black buckling with a white crown drinking off his mother. Elisha quickly brought the little buckling into the house to get warm. Once he was warm and fed he was just a little ball of fun! =) He enjoys playing with his brother and other furry little friends around the barn yard.
We are calling him Surprise until he finds a new forever home. :-)
Reeses also found a new home with her little baby girl and two other little kids from this year's kidding season. :-)
I hope you all enjoyed reading about our goat Reeses and her kids.
For the love of goats,
Beth Joy Wood