Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Send Us Your Numbers!!

The KGBA wants information on your meat and milk production, and we’re willing to beg, borrow and offer free memberships to get it! Once we receive and verify your documentation, we will send you a certificate good for one free annual membership to the KGBA. The certificate can be used by you or transferred to the individual of your choice.

What do we want?

We want any info you can give us, but in order to qualify for a free annual membership for 2017, we need the following information from at least three of you registered (or kids out of registered parents) Kinder goats:

1.  Official milk test records from a one day test or a standard whole herd milk test. For more information, contact your local DHI field representative listed online at http://www.quality-certification.com/certifiedfield.asp or contact Sue Beck at sue@jabeck.com.


2.  Detailed records on butchering weights sent in on the form found at http://kindergoatbreeders.com/files/KGBA_Meat_Reporting_Form.pdf  

For more information on butchering and recording weights, please contact Jean Jajan at jeanjajan1@gmail.com.

In order to qualify for the free membership incentive, all forms need to be submitted no later than December 28, 2016.  This information is incredibly valuable and beneficial to the Kinder Goat Breeders Association… thank you for your participation!

2015 Election Results

We are happy to announce that we had excellent voter participation in the KGBA election again this year, with more than fifty percent of our active members voting. Thank you all for your participation... your votes matter, and your voices make this association what it is!

Voting results for KGBA board positions are as follows:

President - Sue Beck, Wisconsin

Vice President - Ashley Kennedy, Colorado

Secretary - Jean Jajan, Oregon

Treasurer - Lisa LaRose, Illinois

Members at Large -
Term through 2018 - Kathrin Bateman, Massachusetts
Term through 2017 - Brenda Lee Shelt, Montana
Term through 2016- Kam Padlina, California

Congratulations to all returning board members on their re-election, and a warm welcome to our new board member, Kam Padlina! We are looking forward to a very productive 2016!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Ballots Are Out!

All current KGBA members should be receiving election ballots in the mail this week. If your membership is current and you do not receive a ballot, please contact sue@jabeck.com.

We have an amazing group of people running for office again this year! All of our volunteers (for the board, the newsletter and our many other ongoing projects) are extremely dedicated to improving the Association for our members and their goats, but we are always looking for more volunteers. If you think you might be interested in joining a committee or running for the board in the future, please contact us!

We look forward to hearing from everyone in the Association, so this year we have included a "comment" section at the bottom of the ballot - we want to know what we can do to make things better for you! Just remember - ballots must be postmarked by September 30th in order to be counted in the election.

Election results will be posted as soon as they are available. Thank you all for your participation!

Sue Beck
KGBA President

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Results Are In!!!

The Kinder Goat Breeders Association is excited to announce the results of our very first online show! We had many exceptional Kinder goats entered in the show, and are extremely grateful to our judge, Kim Shunney, for sharing her wealth of knowledge and experience by taking the time to write editorials on each of her choices.

Online shows are not sanctioned by the KGBA for a number of reasons – first and foremost being that it is extremely difficult to judge a goat without seeing them move or being able to put your hands on them. A wonderful goat can place poorly in a class due to the angle of a photo or poor lighting. Major faults in another goat may not be as apparent in pictures. For this reason, online show results should always be taken for what they are – a good learning opportunity based on the very specific images that have been submitted, not the last word on any goat’s quality or value.

We thank those who submitted entries for making our first online show such a great success… it is an outstanding group of goats!

To view the submissions and results to the online show, please click the link below:


Monday, August 10, 2015

Calling All Members!!!

Have you ever considered running for a position on the KGBA board? If so, now is the time!

The KGBA nominating committee is currently accepting volunteers and recommendations for the annual September election.  Any person holding an individual membership effective as of March 1st is eligible to be a candidate or recommend another for a position.

Thinking about running? Please consider your decision carefully - becoming a board member is a wonderful way to help our Association grow and improve and we want all the help we can get, but it takes time and commitment to make things happen! Directors serve without compensation. The elected term is 1-3 years, with directors spending an average of 5-10 hours a month managing the affairs of the association.

Board members attend monthly board meetings via conference call, take part in various committees and work to promote the Kinder goat in accordance to our bylaws. Specific descriptions of each position can be found at www.kindergoatbreeders.com/bylaws.html

If you would like to volunteer or nominate someone else for a position, please contact us via email at frankenmonk@gmail.com prior to August 20th. Please consider submitting a half-page bio (to be included with ballots) when you express your interest in becoming a candidate.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Calling All Midwest Kinders!!!

REGISTER NOW! Registration Deadline is July 1, 2015. Let's not lose the Kinder Show at the Missouri State Fair. Your participation is needed!!!
Here is the entry form. http://www.mostatefair.com/…/uplo…/2015/05/dairy%20goats.pdf
You can fax it to the MO STATE FAIR when you complete your form.
Thursday, August 20
8:00 a.m. Earliest arrival Kinder Goats
4:00 p.m. All 4-H/FFA Kinder Goats must be in place
Friday, August 21
8:00 a.m. Kinder Goats
2:00 p.m. 4-H/FFA Kinder Goat Show - Arena 1
8:00 p.m. Open Dairy & Kinder Goats must be in place
Saturday, August 22
8:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Open Kinder Goat, Junior Doe Show - Arena 1
4:00 p.m. Open Kinder Goat, Senior Doe Show - Arena 1(following the Open Dairy Goat, Senior Doe show)
6:00 p.m. Kinder Goats released.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Who Ya Gonna Call?!?

Well, we're not goat busters, but we are here to help!

KGBA Board Members are happy to assist you in any way that we can, but knowing who to contact isn't always clear. If in doubt, you can always send a mass email to all board members or contact me directly. Contact information for board members can be found on the KGBA website at http://kindergoatbreeders.com/boardmembers.html.

Below is a list of who to contact for common questions or issues:

Registrations & Membership:
Ashley Kennedy or Sue Beck

Registration Document Issues:
Jan Hodges

Breeders List:
Lisa LaRose

Promotional Material:
Brenda Lee Shelt

Online Pedigrees:
Jan Hodges & Sue Beck

Kathrin Bateman, Elizabeth Sweet, Simone Smith

Show Information:
Ashley Kennedy 

Chevon Information:
Jean Jajan

Website, general issues or to volunteer:
Sue Beck

We are continuously trying to improve, so feedback and suggestions are always appreciated!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Show Off Those Beautiful Kinder Goats!

Have you ever wanted to show your Kinder goat, but been constrained by time, biosecurity concerns or distance to the nearest show? Well, now you can show your Kinder goats from the comfort and safety of your own farm!    

Introducing the KGBA’s first Virtual Kinder Goat Show!!! 

Judge: Joe Pilotte
Entries Accepted: April 1 - June 1, 2015
Results Announced: July 1, 2015

  • Get a professional opinion of your goat!
  • Show your goat without the stress of travel!
  • Keep your doe's milk production up by not upsetting her schedule!
  • Get publicity for your herd!
  • Learn more about conformation!  
  • Only $5 per goat!!!

So, how do you get started?  All you need is a few high quality pictures of your registered Kinder goats.  Go to the Virtual Show Guidelines page for and entry form and helpful tips on how to enter your goat.  

****The KGBA V-Show is offered as a benefit to our members.  Only current members of KGBA can show their registered Kinders.

Monday, March 9, 2015

What's in a Name?

By Amy Weatherby-Johnson
The subject of the KGBA trademark has come up a few times lately on the Kinder Folks Facebook group and other internet groups. There are many benefits to the Kinder name being trademarked. There are also some misunderstandings that should be cleared up for the sake of the breed and KGBA members.
Who trademarked the “Kinder” name?
The trademark was registered by the Kinder Goat Breeders Association. Trademarking the Kinder name prevents it from being used for multiple registries or being used in ways that misrepresent the breed. Having one official breed registry means owners and breeders can be assured that the breed has one set of standards to follow and one source of registration information. As the breed expands in size and quality, all breeders should be focused on creating Kinders as close to the breed standard as possible. This trademark helps all of us do that by requiring that all first generation goats come from registered stock and that goats sold as Kinders are truly Kinder goats.

Who benefits from the Kinder name being trademarked?
The trademark benefits everyone who cares about this breed. From those that breed and sell Kinders to those that have businesses based on the milk or meat that Kinders provide, anyone selling a true Kinder has the same standards and guidelines to follow. The trademark means that all future Kinder owners should expect a goat that meets the breed standard and is actually what it is said to be. Buyers can purchase a true Kinder with the expectation that their new goat will not have disqualifying faults. All goats sold as Kinders will affect the reputation of the breed and ethical breeders are committed to ensuring that their goats show the breed well. Legally reserving the Kinder name for goats that were originally bred from a registered Nubian and a registered Pygmy protects those buying Kinders from buying a goat that is actually a cross of unregistered parents or other breeds.   

Why is it important that the Kinder name is trademarked?
If the name was not legally protected it could be used on any cross of goats that resemble Kinders. If any goat that is similar to a Kinder could be sold as a Kinder, there would be no incentive to breed the best examples of Kinders that we can. It would also mean that there would be little reason to invest in strong genetics and it would reduce the market price for goats that are bred to meet the standards. As a seller, there would be little to no market for well bred registered Kinders and no reason to improve your herd. As a buyer, there would be no guarantee that your new goats came from registered parents and are truly purebred Kinders. Without a trademark, the name could also be used by multiple registries, as some other breeds have done. That would add to the expense of raising goats by having to pay for multiple registrations to meet the requirements of different regional shows. In all aspects, the trademark protects the breed and Kinder owners.

How does that affect my and my goats?

If your goats are registered with the KGBA, or were born to a registered Nubian and a registered Pygmy and can be registered with the KGBA, you have Kinders. You can sell, breed, and show them as Kinders. If your goats are not from registered parents and can not be registered with the KGBA, you have “kinder-type” Nubian/Pygmy crossed goats. You can not legally sell or show unregisterable goats as Kinders.

Is my goat trademarked?
Individual goats are not trademarked. Only the use of the name Kinder is legally protected by trademark.

Do I need permission to use the name “Kinder”?
Per the KGBA, there is no licensing requirement to use the Kinder name on marketing or promotional materials. Although membership has many benefits, you are not required to be a member of the KGBA in order to complete a registration on your goat.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Online Pedigrees

We now have pedigrees online!

Hopefully, this will benefit everyone in buying and breeding your Kinder goats. This is a work in progress - there are some issues including information and goats in the actual registry do not yet appear in the online pedigree. Please understand that this is a HUGE undertaking, so it won't be perfect for awhile. Just because a goat isn't showing up in the pedigree system DOES NOT mean that it's not in the registry - they are separate entities. If you have registration papers from us, your goat is registered and in the registry. That being said, if you notice info missing that you can supply, please drop Sue Beck or Jan Hodges a note with said info so that we can look into why it's missing or showing up incorrectly. In the meantime, I hope everyone enjoys the new website format and online pedigrees!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of our members and their four legged friends!

Don't forget to pay your dues before March first to receive our $5 early bird discount, and receive the first newsletter of the year. Membership dues can be paid via Paypal through the KGBA website at http://www.kindergoatbreeders.com/memberbenefits.html or mailed to:
PO Box 271
Franksville, WI 53126

The recommended tattoo letter for 2015 is the letter "F."

Wishing everyone a safe and happy new year!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The People Have Spoken...

We would like to give a warm welcome to our newly elected Board of Directors and welcome back returning members! Although the choices were limited, I am happy to announce that over 60 percent of our voting members returned ballots. Thank you all for your feedback and involvement in the KGBA. The election results are as follows:
President - Sue Beck
VP - Ashley Kennedy
Secretary - Jean Jajan
Treasurer - Lisa LaRose
Member at Large - Brenda Lee Shelt
The board has also, by unanimous decision, voted for Kathrin Bateman to fill the position left open by Lisa Larose's move to Treasurer. We look forward to a fun and productive year with a great Board of Directors!