Sunday, January 31, 2010
I've Reached the End.........
May all your kiddings be healthy, easy, and full of doelings and may your milk pail always be full. And for the final time..........
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Recipe Tuesday..........
- 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 1/2 cups goat milk
- 1 egg
- 1 TBSP canola oil
- 1/2 apple, cored and chopped but NOT peeled
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Kidding Season...........
This will be Star’s first freshening so I’ll be training her to the stand and pail. I always train my doe kids to the stand from a very early age, that way it isn’t such a shock when the time comes. I give them a little grain and let them put their heads in the stanchion to eat. I lock them in, brush them, and rub their udders. That way they know what it’s about before the time comes.
Well that's about how things go here at Goodwife Farm. Hope your kidding season goes fabulous and you have mostly doelings!
Till next time............GOD BLESS FROM GOODWIFE FARM!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Recipe Tuesday.........
- 1/2 cup goat milk yogurt
- 1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
- 1/4 cup grapenuts
- 1 TBSP banana butter (or you can use 2 tsp sugar)
Heat blueberries till gently warm, top with yogurt, then add grape nuts and top with banana butter. Stir gently and enjoy.
This is soooo yummy! A sweet decadent treat and very good for you. For anybody else that's on Weight Watchers it is 5.5 points per serving.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Halfway through........
Today I'm thinking about babies and how I can't wait until my kids start getting here. My first doe is due in late February, then the other two are due within a couple days of each other in early March. I will be drowning in kids and I just can't wait. I just don't think you can feel sad when you are looking at a baby goat, bouncing around and making a general nuisance of themself! Here is a video of my triplet bucklings from last January.
As usual................till next time............GOD BLESS FROM GOODWIFE FARM
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Recipe Tuesday........
- 2 cups goat milk
- 1 egg slightly beaten
- 2/3 cup sugar
- 3 TBSP baking cocoa
- 3 TBSP corn starch
- 1/4 cup butter
- 1 tsp vanilla
Combine sugar, cornstarch, and cocoa in saucepan. Gradually add goat milk and beaten egg. Cook, stirring constantly over medium heat, til thick and bubbly. Remove from heat, add butter and vanilla. Beat until creamy. Chill or serve warm.
This is so very very yummy! Since I'm on Weight Watchers, I leave the butter out. You really can't tell the difference and it make it 4 points for 1/2 cup of pudding. It's well worth the points for an occasional treat!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Why EVERYBODY needs a Kinder goat............
Friday, January 8, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Recipe Tuesday!!
Homemade Ice Cream
- 1 qt plus 3 cups of whole goat's milk
- 12 egg yolks (fresh from your own chickens are best)
- 2 tsp salt
- 3 cups sugar
- 1 qt heavy cream (again from your goats if you've got a separator)
- 4 TBSP vanilla
Scald milk. Mix egg yolks and salt and beat with fork until thick. Add about 3 cups of scalded milk to egg mixture, beating with fork all the while. Add back into milk in pot. Add sugar and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until it coats a spoon. Strain (if you don't strain it will be chunky, I strain mine through my milk strainer). Chill. Add cream and vanilla and freeze in ice cream freezer.
One of our first purchases after getting the goats was a hand crank White Mountain ice cream freezer. You just can't get the rich, smooth, creamy, deliciousness with an electric one. It's pretty nice to sit out on the porch, the husband and I, talking, eating salty ice and taking turns cranking! This ice cream freezes wonderfully well and doesn't get hard as a rock either. You can scoop it out for a yummy bowl anytime. As I said above, a 5 qt bucket usually lasts us about two weeks. You can add pretty much anything you want to it as well. We've made peanut butter malt and strawberry among others. Our top three favorites though are Cookies and Cream, Peanut Butter Cup, and Cookie Dough! Have fun and make your own favorite variety! If you do add stuff in, freeze it until it's almost done before adding it. Otherwise all your "goodie" will settle to the bottom!
Till next time................GOD BLESS FROM GOODWIFE FARM!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
It's a Challenge..........
I'm very blessed though. I've got a few things that I wouldn't want raise critters without!

First and foremost..............a nice warm barn!
This barn was a blessing to me and I'm very very thankful for it every single day! It isn't finished yet. We still have to trim it out and get it stained. Hopefully that will happen this summer. It is 24x32 and has a 12' lean to across the back. It also has two 12x12 stalls and one 12x8 stall. They are perfect maternity wards, and yet still big enough to bring the horse in if we need to. This summer I plan on converting one of the 12x12 stalls into 2 kidding stalls. That will give me three permanent kidding stalls. The 12x8 stall is already a permanent kidding stall.