Monday, December 13, 2010
Kinder Goat
There was no Kinder Goat until Breeders in Washington State came together to form the Kinder Goat Breeders Association. This was done after the breeding of a Pygmy and Nubian was done by Pat and Art Showalter in Snohomish, Washington. They and others saw potential in the results of this breeding so they came together to form the association along with rules and regulations, a breed standard and a registry. Officers were elected to over see the workings of the association. The name Kinder was decided on by the people who set up the association.
Sure there may have been this same cross done before and perhaps even now it is being done but those breeding's are not done under the specific rules and regulations of the Kinder Goat Breeders Association. The Kinder name belongs to the Kinder Goat Breeders Association and to those breeders who are breeding their goats according to the Kinder rules and regulations.
The animals used in first generation Kinder breeding must be registered with ADGA, NPGA, AGS or the Canadian Goat Society. Any American Nubian used in this first breeding must show 100% on that registration paper. Nothing but 50/50% breeding is accepted,
There is a breed standard and score card that is used for Kinder goats. This is the guide that all breeders use and also what the judges use in the show ring.
A first generation Kinder is the result of the breeding's of a Pygmy and Nubian then after that the Kinder is bred Kinder to Kinder. First generation up to fourth generation Kinder receive a Certificate of Merit. Fifth generation and future generations receive a Cerificate of Registration.
Many years of breeding has gone into this wonderful little goat. Breeders of the Kinder goat breed under the rules and regulations of the Kinder Goat Breeders Association and register their animals with the Kinder Goat Breeders Association. There are no American nor Experimental Kinder accepted by the Kinder Goat Breeders Association.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Gene Pool
This is true of all breeds but the Kinder is much more vulnerable because their gene pool is so small compared to the other breeds.
We need to be vigilant in our breeding practices so we sell only animals with good genetics, those that are healthy in every way and those that conform to the Kinder Breed Standard.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Johne's Disease
While trying to avoid CAE you may be inadvertently exposing your kids to Johne's which is just as devasting.
For more articles about Johne's
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Food Safety
The Food Safety cloture was passed by a vote of 75 for to 25 against. This is just NAIS with another name. Big business is behind this so we must work very hard to get it stopped in the Senate.
On Monday, November the 29th there will be another vote. Please take time to call your senator. tell them to oppose
S. 510.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
One-day Milk Test Scoring
2. One tenth (0.1) point for every complete 10-day period that the doe has been in milk since her last kidding, with a maximum of three and six tenths (3.6) points or 360 days
3. One point for every five one hundredths (0.05) pounds of butterfat yielded.
4. Total
To make a star in one-day testing the doe must have a score of 18 points or more total.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
New Ruling
Friday, September 17, 2010
One-day Testing
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Breeding Kinder Goats
Breeding goes hand in hand with evaluating your herd. I think there is too much voodoo written about line breeding and inbreeding. Stop thinking of breeding in human terms! Line breeding and inbreeding is very important and is done in most herds that are successfully shown, those with excellent udders, very good milk production and just general good conformation.
True that this magnifies both the bad and the good in your herd but if you have a good foundation then it is my opinion that line breeding is the only way you will continue to produce those fine animals. This is done by many breeders of all other breeds. Since the Kinder is specifically from two major breeds it is of the up most importance to do everything possible to pass these good genes on down the generation lines of the Kinder goat.
I almost shudder any more when I hear a Kinder breeder say, “Oh, I have just got to get new blood in my herd, I need something entirely unrelated to my other goats”. I have seen Kinder herds go from a top notch herd, to much lesser than in a hurry, when just adding one new herd sire.
If you have a herd that has general good conformation, that are milking well anything from 4 pounds up per day and if those animals are truly dual purpose showing a good meat carcass, then why do you want to change that? If you have sold animals to other breeders then go buy something from their lines that also has your lines in it. In this way you will be adding back some of your own genetics. If you completely cross out of your line it is hard telling what you might get. Genetics is a wild and wonderful world and we as Kinder breeders by breeding 50/50 are trying to fool mother nature into producing a goat that will continue to produces animals that conforms to our breed standards.
Look at the little doe below. Does she have a capacious udder? Some on our face book page think so. This little doe is a product of line breeding and she is lovely. God willing in a year or so I will tell you how she milks. She comes from generations of milking lines and Grand Champions.
Breeding Kinder goats is so exciting.
Udder of Young Doe
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Bucks Structure
Look for width in the escutcheon, a tight to moderately tight scrotal, level rump and a wide front end. A buck needs to have all over good conformation being level and smooth across the top and stand on good sound legs and feet.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Evaluation of Ebony

Here is the evaluation sheet of Ebony the doe who is pictured below. A 1 is excellent, a 2 is good and a 3 is poor. You can see the score given for each different part of the body then all these scores are added together to get her final score that you see at the bottom of the page with a notation of Ex.(excellent) and signed by Harvey.
Clicking on the evaluation sheet will make it easier to read.
Monday, August 23, 2010
You want to breed for that big robust animal with a huge front end and lots of extension of brisket. You want the fleshing over the shoulders. You want those big necks that blend into those shoulders.
You want that animal to have a smooth and level top line that begins at the neck and goes all the way to the tail.
You want a rump that is not sloping. You want an udder that is high and tight. You want capacity in that udder, not an udder the size of a grapefruit. You want an udder that fills that escutcheon area. This what they mean when they mention the capacity of udder. You must have that capacity of udder to get a good volume of milk per day.
Care needs to be taken not to breed an animal that is too tall. We do not want to breed just another dairy animal we are breeding a dual purpose animal. Maximun height at the withers is 26 inches for does and 28 for bucks. If you don't where the withers are on your goat then click on Older Post and find the illustration showing the parts of a Kinder goat. Take a yardstick and measure at the withers.
Don't just buy a buck, be very critical when buying or using a herd sire. Look at his dams udder, ask how much she milks. If possible ask to milk her to see the ease of milking. Look at the overall conformation of the dam. Once again watch that rump! That buck is more than 50% of your herd so pay very close attention to him.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Width, teat placement and top line in doelings
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Udders and Rumps
Have a doe with a loose udder then look for a buck to improve this. Udders can be improved in the future generations with the right buck!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Udder Height and Fore Udder
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Teat Size and Shape
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Angle of Rump
The angle of the rump or pelvis from hooks to pins has a direct bearing on the reproductive performance of a goat because it influences the ease of kidding and drainage of the reproductive tract. he Angle of the rump is also related to the length of udder from foe to rear, strength of for udder attachment, and udder depth. Observing the goat on the move from the side, this is a way to evaluate the angle of the rump from hooks to pins. Rump angle is measured from steepness, which is assigned 20 or less points, to levelness, which is assigned 30 or more points. Rumps intermediate in slope (30 to 20 degrees)are assigned 20 to 30 points. Each difference of 5 degrees in the rump angle, plus or minus, results in a difference in the score of 5 points. A rump angle of 50 or more is assigned 1 point.
If you have a doe with a poorly attached udder this can be corrected in the next generation by using the right buck. But using a buck with a sloping rump and poorly attached scrotal will only result in more does with bad udders.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Angle of the Rump
The angle of the rump has a great bearing on both udders of does and scrotal attachments on the buck. A buck who has a sloping rump will probably have a loose scrotal attachment, it will look similar to the udder of this doe in the photo. Bucks with loose attachments will produce daughters with the same trait. Loose udders!
Slope of Rump

Please be very careful of the slope to the rump on your goats. The first of the three illustrations is very sloping this will never give you a highly attached udder. It is going to put that udder in harms ways because the medial suspensory ligament can never hold the udder up and tight with a rump like this.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Front ends
Chocolate Kinder Milk Pudding
3 T (heaping) cornstarch
3 T baking cocoa
3 c Kinder milk
1 egg, slightly beaten
2 T (heaping) butter
1 tsp vanilla
Combine sugar, cornstarch and cocoa in a sauce pan. Gradually add Kinder milk and beaten egg. Cook stirring often over medium heat until thick and bubbly. Remove from heat, add butter and vanilla. Beat until creamy. Cool. Enjoy!!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Goat Cheese
Just a little reminder.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Zucchini Casserole
1 1/2 lbs. ground chevon
1 medium onion
1/2 lb. cheddar cheese, shredded
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/2 cup goat milk
salt and pepper
Trim and slice zucchini (do not peel); cook in small amount of boiling water until just crispy tender; drain. Cook chevon in skillet until lightly brown, add chopped onion, cover, and cook over low heat until onion is barely tender. Season to taste.
In a lightly buttered two-quart casserole, arrange layers of zucchini, meat ,and cheese; repeat, ending with cheese. Combine mushroom soup and milk; pour over all. Sprinkle top with cheese. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) about 35 minutes, or until bubbly.
Nice served with a side of slice tomatoes and crusty bread.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Butter Pecan Ice Cream
1/3 cup of sugar
2 T. butter
Since Kinder milk is so rich I just used all milk in the recipe.(no half and half and whipping cream) A total of 6 cups of milk.
2 cups whole milk
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
4 egg yolks
Pinch of salt
2 T. butter (use goat butter if you have it)
2 cups half and half
2 cups whipping cream
2 t. vanilla
In a heavy skillet over medium heat, combine sugar, butter and pecans, stirring constantly for about 6 minutes or until sugar has melted and browned. Remove from heat;spread nuts on foil. Once nuts have cooled, break into bit-size pieces and reserve.
In a medium saucepan, whisk together milk, brown sugar, egg yolks, and salt. Place pan over medium-high heat until mixture reaches a simmer. Lower heat to medium and whisk mixture for 5 minutes or until it begins to thicken. Strain mixture into a large bowl and whisk in butter until combined; then incorporate half and half and cream and vanilla. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled, about 2 hours.
Pour mixture into ice-cream maker; process as directed. When the ice cream is made stir in the reserved pecans.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Orange Sherbet
1 pkg. orange Kool-Aid
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 cup of water
1 qt. goat milk
Combine Jello, Kool-Aid, sugar and water in saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Stir in cold goat milk and freeze in ice cream maker. Taste just like store bought. You can substitute any flavors of Kool-Aid and Jello.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Meningeal worm
Brain Worm - Deer Worm
Paralaphostrongylus tenius
What is it?
The meningeal worm is an internal parasite (Paralaphostrongylus tenius) of the white-tailed deer that usually completes its life cycle in the deer without causing significant problems. However, when unnatural hosts, such as sheep and goats, become infested with meningeal worm, the parasite moves into the brain and/or spinal cord and causes neurological problems that can be fatal. Llamas and alpacas are even more susceptible to meningeal worm infection than sheep or goats. Cattle are not known to be affected. Meningeal worm is not a health concern to humans.
The life cycle of the meningeal worm requires terrestrial snails or slugs as intermediate hosts. White-tailed deer become infested with P. tenius by eating snails or slugs that contain the infective stage of the larvae. The larvae migrate through the deer's gut and eventually move into the central nervous system where they mature into adults, produce eggs, and the life cycle begins again. However, when P. tenius-infected snails and slugs are ingested by aberrant hosts, the larvae migrate into the brain and/or spinal cord.
The larvae do not mature into adults, but rather wander through the central nervous system causing inflammation and swelling which damages sensitive nervous tissue producing a variety of neurologic symptoms. Experimental evidence suggests that it takes 10 to 14 days for the parasite to reach the brain and/or spinal cord after the animal eats the infected snail or slug.
The neurologic signs observed in infected sheep and goats depend upon the number of larvae present in the nervous tissue and the portion of the brain or spinal cord that has been affected.
A mild infection may produce a slight limp or weakness in one or more legs, while a more severe infection may cause an animal to be partially or completely paralyzed. When larvae migrate to the brain, they may cause blindness, a head tilt, circling, disinterest in or inability to eat, or other signs that mimic brain diseases.
Affected animals may get progressively worse, remain static, or in some cases improve without therapeutic involvement. In most cases, infected animals remain alert and continue to eat and drink normally.
Meningeal worm infection cannot be diagnosed in the live animal. A fecal examination is not useful since sheep and goats are “dead end” hosts for the parasite and the larvae do not produce eggs or pass larvae into the feces. The parasites cannot be detected by blood testing. The only way to confirm diagnosis is to find the parasite in the nervous system, which requires a necropsy examination. Testing the cerebrospinal fluid, which requires the animal to be tranquilized or anesthetized for extraction, may help to support suspicions of brain worm infection.
Thus, diagnosis of meningeal worm in the live animal is based on symptoms and clinical history. Usually animals have been grazing for at least two months and there is a history of deer in the area. Diseases which look similar to meningeal worm infection include: listeriosis, CAE, scrapie, rabies, trauma, copper deficiency, vitamin E/selenium deficiency, spinal cord or brain abscesses, or polioencephalomalacia.
Treatment regimes usually involve high, repetitive doses of anthelmintics, along with steroids, and other supportive therapies. Many different anthelmintics (levamisol, ivermectin, albendazole, fenbendazole, thiabendazole) have been used to treat meningeal worm infection. It is believed that some anthelmintics can kill the larvae before it enters the central nervous system, while others may be able to cross the blood-brain barrier and kill the larvae regardless of its location in the body.
However, it is important to note that no controlled studies have confirmed or refuted the efficacy of different treatment regimes. Nor does treatment repair damaged nervous tissue. Producers who suspect meningeal worm should contact their veterinarian for treament recommendations.
As with other disease conditions, prevention is usually more satisfying than treatment. Unfortunately, the meningeal worm is a hard one to prevent. Reducing deer populations is usually impractical. A single deer can shed thousands of eggs per gram of feces, and the larvae are highly resistant to environmental forces. However if feasible, sheep and goats should not be pastured in areas which receive high deer utilization or removed from these pastures before the weather turns wet and cool. It may be helpful to limit sheep and goat pasturing to fields without contiguous woodlands and to pastures that are on high ground and well-drained.
Controlling the intermediate hosts may be a more effective means of prevention. Sheep and goats can be fenced away from likely snail and slug habitats: ponds, swamps, wetlands, low-lying, poorly-drained fields, and woodlands. Some veterinarians advocate strategic deworming as a means of preventing infection. However, it is important to realize that regular use of anthelmintics (e.g. monthly treatments) rapidly leads to anthelmintic resistance, so while regular treatments may help to control the meningeal worm, eventually those drugs will lose their efficacy against ordinary stomach worms, which may be an even greater problem on most sheep and goat farms.
References: P. tenuis - The White-tailed Deer Parasite, Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Goat Medicine (1994) by Smith and Sherman.
Copyright © 2004.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What to do with all that milk?

1. Mixing containers such as enamel or stainless steel pots to melt the oils in and plastic bowl to weight the ingredients in NOTE: NEVER, NEVER USE ALUMINUM, it reacts with the lye
2. A heatproof container for your lye mixture such as a large plastic or glass bowl or pitcher.
3. Stainless steel slotted spoon or plastic heat proof spoon or heat proof rubber spatula. Do not use wood.

Creamy Goat Milk Soap
8 oz olive oil
5 oz coconut oil
3 oz palm oil
2.3 oz lye
7 oz frozen goat milk
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
"Oh my gosh she is big"

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Greetings from the Gray J Ranch
Monday, May 31, 2010
Well the soap is in the primary mold. We will see how it turns out.
The garden is growing like crazy and it is extreeeemely hot outside each day. So I am doing a lot of chores in the evening now.
The kids are growing great. Saphira has acquired her mother's loud mouth. She is quite vocal every morning about me milking her mother before she has the chance. Derrick is a sweetheart. He is so easy to handle. Desarae is still very shy, as are Saphira and Carlisle. I need to visit with them more often, I guess.
Well this is the end of my time here. Again, thanks for the invite. And thanks for visiting with me this month. Feel free to drop me a line anytime.
Happy Goat Adventures to you all.
God Bless,
Sunday, May 23, 2010
This is my milk and feed "room", under an awning on the side of the landlord's shed. Ken, best hubby in the world, made me the cool milk stand.
This is the manor castle, laundry room, banquet hall, and aviary (chicken coop). Oh yes, and part of the garden too.
This is a shot of the main garden earlier this month. Wow, I didn't realize how much had grown in the last month. The last bed is packed with flowers now. The second on the right is full of tomato plants. Two more are started with corn. And one is started with sunflowers. Just finished spraying for pests with a mixture from a master gardener. It dropped two cabbage worms, one moth, and two grasshoppers while I was spraying!! Hopefully the battle with the cabbage worms has been won!! This was a mixture of tobacco juice, mouthwash, soap, and garlic juice. Sounded pretty weird, but if it works like I think it did tonight, this is great!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I finally got around to making some mozzerella cheese yesterday. It is already gone, so it must have been a success! I used Ricki's 30 minute mozzerella recipe on It took a little longer for the curd to set than the five minutes in the recipe, but otherwise did okay. My curds never look like the cut cubes that I always see in the videos. Mine are always more stringy. Not sure why that happens. Just got to keep practicing, I guess.
I also started the custard for some goat milk ice cream. I used the vanilla ice cream III recipe from Storey Publishing's Raising Dairy Goats. I am going to add strawberries and freeze it later today.
But now I have four quarts of whey. I will probably try to make some ricotta cheese from it. I am not sure about trying any of the drinks recipes I have come across. If all else fails, I will feed it to the chickens. I know that they love any goat milk that I give them. It goes faster than their chicken feed!
Just finished planting my raised beds this week. Today I pulled up the sweet peas and planted some garlic bulbs that had gotten overlooked. Having a problem with cabbage worms though. They apparently liked my peas too. Hope they enjoy the garlic!! I know the chickens enjoyed all that I could handpick of the little buggers!
I need to do some research on apple cider vinegar as used for pest control and watering the goats. I have read that people use it, but I have never come across how much and what ratio it is used in. Also want to get the herbs for that vinegar recipe posted previously.
Well gotta run and try to catch up on things. Seems like I always have a four day long to do list!!
God Bless,
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Last week my husband took a surprise week of vacation, so I am a week behind on everything. Having him around like that always disrupts my schedules. We went siteseeing, shopping, and visited a Christian summer camp that our daughter will be going to this summer. He went golfing and then he and Cassandra practiced a few swings in the pasture. Now Cassandra has been out every day in the pasture knocking golf balls around. She nearly hit me in the head with one!
The garden is growing like crazy. The roosters are starting to crow, which means we will be having fried chicken for sunday dinner very soon. And, of course, the kids are growing like weeds. Desarae and Derrick are eating well. Derrick is staying with the "big boys" now. Saphire is huge! Carlisle is just slightly smaller than her.
I caught Carlisle making bucky eyes and slobbing all over himself over my pygmy doe, Polgara. She was not impressed! I nearly died laughing, he looked so comical. He really thought he was hot stuff.
I made butter yesterday. 16 oz of cream gave me about 8 oz of butter. I just whipped the cream with my mixer until the butter separated. Then I poured off the buttermilk and washed the butter in cold water. I didn't salt this batch, but sometimes I do add salt. Then stored it in the refrigerator in small jam jars.
I also made some french vanilla coffee creamer for my husband. He said it tasted better than what he had been buying before. I took one cup of goat milk, added 1/3 cup of agave syrup, 2 Tbsps goat milk cream, and 1 Tbsp of vanilla extract. Combined it all in a pint jar and shook it up. You have to shake well before using, but he said it tasted great. I don't drink coffee, so I have to take his word for it. Cassandra likes to add creamer to her milk, so she tried it and said it tasted good too.
I am hoping to try a cheese recipe in the next few days. I want to try cottage cheese and/ or mozzerella. My last attempt was not that great, so I am kinda nervous. Hate to waste all that milk for another failure. But at least I have a steady supply.
I am collecting my soap making supplies. I want to make just a basic soap with olive oil and lard/ or vegetable shortening. I have been researching recipes and I still need a few more supplies, especially a mold or molds. Ken wants me to make liquid soap too. So I will have to find a recipe or two for that as well.
Well guess that's about it for now.
God Bless,
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The loving mothers:
I.C. Spots